Our Dayenu Circle Vision

To be a supportive, engaged community, rooted in our Jewish tradition and values, and working in collaboration with others, to facilitate and promote ways that we can:

  • Personally address Climate Change through everyday practices as individuals and as a community

  • Pursue actions to advocate and organize for meaningful changes in policies, practices and laws to slow down climate change and mitigate its impact.

Our Meetings

Regularly scheduled Dayenu Circle meetings take place (initially via Zoom only) on the second Sunday of each month at 4pm or 7pm. Meetings include a featured topic or speaker, as well as updates from each Action Team. To ground ourselves in our work, we begin our meetings with a blessing and reflection inspired by our tradition and end with a closing ritual.

Our Action Teams

Our Dayenu Circle is divided into a number of action teams, each with a specific focus area. These teams are where much of the real work gets done. Action teams meet on their own schedule, organize their own activities and programs, and report back during regularly scheduled Circle meetings.

Learn more about our action teams.